Counseling Center, LLC


Confidentiality is the most important part of your therapeutic journey. You need to know that every effort possible is made to keep your sessions with C2MECC, LLC as confidential and private as possible. You must sign a release form prior to any information in your file being released and that does go for on line counseling as well.

There are a few exceptions to where this may not be possible. They are as follows:

  • If you bring up in a court of law that you have received on line counseling through C2MECC, LLC, we may have to release your information. Committed 2 Me Counseling Center, LLC would ask to speak with you prior to revealing this information. You have a right to inform your therapist of the information you wish to share.

  • If you sue someone, or are sued, charges with a crime and you inform the courts that you are in therapy, C2MECC, LLC may be ordered to reveal your records. Should you find yourself in the type of situation, C2MECC, LLC would encourage you to seek legal counsel.

  • If you make serious threats to harm yourself or another person, legally, your therapist is required to take action in an effort to protect you and the other person. This could take the form of telling others about your threats that could lead to an inpatient facility or telling others about your threats. C2MECC, LLC cannot promise you that your threats to harm yourself or others will not be shared with others.

  • If C2MECC, LLC suspects that a minor child or geriatric person has been abused or will be abused, legally, your therapist is required to and will report this information to the proper authorities.

Because the therapeutic journey is a learning experience not only for you but C2MECC, LLC as well, there will be occasion where you may present a situation that requires consultation from another therapist or professionals to ensure that you are receiving the best intervention possible. You need to know that your name will never be revealed and the consultant will be given only the information needed to provide sound assistance. It is important you know the consultants used are also bound by the same laws of confidentiality.

Committed 2 Me Counseling Center, LLC (C2MECC, LLC) would like to thank you for choosing us to help meet your mental concerns and needs. Congratulations for making the decision for yourself, to become the best person that you can!